1·Asked the sea House, unique sea-view restaurant, signage design it in a cliff, the cliff is the sea, reefs, beaches, where to look is such a beautiful view of the sea chart.
2·Sea level rises, though by how much is hard to say (see chart 2).
3·But the golden goose is showing its age: North Sea production peaked in 1999 and has since been falling faster than all but the gloomiest foresaw (see chart 3).
4·They tried to chart the sea area between Norway and Denmark.
5·Radar and GPS track the vessel's position and display it on the chart, along with the nearby sea traffic.
6·The aluminium centre stack, including inner door handles, is inspired by an ancient nautical chart and a sea adventure map.
7·Ideals are like the stars. We never reach them but, like the mariners on the sea, we chart our course by them.
8·They have been used and verified in the compilation of modern historic chart atlas of Zhejiang sea area and should have a referential value for other sea areas of China.
9·Theytried to chart the sea area between Norway and Denmark.
10·To the north of that, again, there comes another cape - cape of the Woods, as it was marked upon the chart - buried in tall green pines, which descended to the margin of the sea.